Back Grounder is a simple and light editor that allows you to scale, resize, and trim your images. Open a JPG or BMP image file, select the area you want to trim and define a customized scale. A tool like this may be very useful to create wallpapers or backgrounds for Web pages, among many other possible applications.
The program's user interface is very basic, and it does not include any complicated elements. You can open your image file from the "File" menu, using a standard Open dialog. Alternatively, in this new version of the program you can also drop an image dragged from Windows Explorer. Once your image is displayed, you can type your customized values for the X size, Y size, scale, X position, and Y position in the five boxes provided. The last two values allow you to move the trim box, and you can also change these by clicking with your mouse anywhere over the image. Unfortunately, you can only change its position, as you cannot draw or resize the trim box using the mouse.
Finally, when you are satisfied with the portion of the original image you selected, you can save it by going back to the "File" menu and using the "Save" or "Save as" commands.